Food for Thought: The Blueprint to Improve Your Relationship with Food

Some practical advice on ending those cravings and forming better food habits

Good morning, Mafia!

I wish I could properly convey to you all how much I enjoy writing this newsletter.

I love it.

It gives me energy.

It gives me life.

And I honestly feel somewhat selfish every time I hit schedule because sometimes I feel like I get too much out of writing it. Itā€™s fun being able to spend a few hours per week trying to deconstruct different health topics or uncover new ways to share information with you all.

If youā€™ve been reading this newsletter for any amount of time, you probably get the sense that the themes and topics we cover can be wide-ranging. Sometimes I report the news, sometimes I write essays on a particular topic, sometimes I share practical advice, and sometimes I ramble (like right now).

Today, I felt compelled to put a video together for you all to share some practical thoughts on how to improve your relationship with food. I felt compelled to make a video (see below) after recording Episode 272 of the podcast, where we discussed some practical advice on eating healthier.

I am growing more and more passionate about this topic of breaking the cycle of emotional eating because when you do that you can start making conscious decisions about what you put into your body. Here are a few powerful tools that have worked wonders for me:

  1. Keep a Food Journal: This is a game-changer. By tracking what you eat, when you eat, and how you feel, you'll start to notice patterns and triggers that drive your food choices. It's an eye-opening experience that puts you back in the driver's seat.

  2. Try a Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM): I recently started using a CGM, and it's been incredibly insightful. It allows you to see in real-time how different foods impact your blood sugar levels. While you shouldn't become obsessive about it, a CGM can provide valuable data to help you make more informed choices.

  3. Experiment with Fasting: Now, I know fasting might sound intimidating, but hear me out. By removing food for a period of time (start with 24 hours and work your way up), you'll start to understand your true hunger cues and how your body functions in a lower-inflammation state. Plus, you'll tap into the power of ketone bodies, which offer a host of neurological and anti-inflammatory benefits.

  4. Get Regular Blood Work: This one's a no-brainer. By getting your blood tested annually (or even twice a year if you can swing it), you'll identify any nutrient deficiencies and be able to make targeted changes to your diet. Trust me, when your hormones and blood sugar are balanced, those pesky cravings start to disappear.

Ultimately, developing a healthy relationship with food is a journey, not a destination. It takes time, patience, and a willingness to listen to your body. But by implementing these tools and strategies, you'll be well on your way to a more balanced, vibrant life.

Check out the video below if you want to take a bit of a deeper dive šŸ‘‡

āš”ļø Weekly Challenge: 20,000-step challenge

I love walking.

Itā€™s meditative.

Itā€™s easy.

It reduces stress.

It burns fat.

Itā€™s a great way to get some sun.

Itā€™s where I have my best ideas.

Itā€™s an incredible tool and, quite frankly, weā€™re not doing enough of it (or at least Iā€™m not).

So, instead of signing up for that marathon or for the CrossFit Games, letā€™s start with getting some more steps in.

Whenever I hear the average person talking about ways to improve their health, the first thing I always want to say to people is go get your steps in.

So, if youā€™d like to join me this week in a little challenge, Iā€™ll be recording and tracking my walking challenge in the link here. Weā€™ll start the challenge on Saturday and go until next Friday. Good luck!

ā± The Mafia Week in Review

Angela Gargano joins us on the podcast today. Angela has a unique perspective on life and success. Her background includes studying biochemistry, starting her own gym at 22 years old, winning Miss Fitness America in 2016, 6 x Ninja Warrior and now a leading instructor in the field of pull-ups for women. Having suffered a devastating ACL injury which changed the trajectory of her career, Angela was forced to shift her mindset and reassess her identity. Learn insightful lessons around building confidence, overcoming setbacks, establishing your ā€˜whyā€™, and on the relationship between mindset and identity.Ā 

In this episode, we sit down with CEO of Ballen Studios, Nick Witters. Nick is the strategic mind behind some of YouTube's most influential creators, including his current work with MrBallen and past experiences managing MrBeast. A combat veteran and law graduate, Nick offers a unique perspective on the challenges and triumphs of navigating the digital content sphere. He unpacks the layers of talent management, content strategy, and the relentless pursuit of excellence that drives the most successful creators.Alright, Mafia! Thatā€™s all weā€™ve got for you today. Have an incredible weekend and please if you havenā€™t already, leave us a 5-star review on your favorite podcasting platform.

Hereā€™s the YouTube video with our most recent podcast Nick Witters. Leave a comment and subscribe to the channel to stay up to date with whatā€™s happening in our world on YouTube!

I hope you all have an amazing weekend and hopefully a few of you will join me on this walking challenge to motivate me a bit. I just looked at my steps for the day and it was just under a mileā€¦I donā€™t think Iā€™ve had a day this stagnant in years! Perfect timing for this steps challenge.

Stay blessed,

Harry and Brett